Frequency asked question
What kind of site is www.tipster24.com? What services do we offer?
created:2014-02-11 22:05 (administrator)
Tipster24.com is Internet site, which can help in football betting decisions. You can make your right betting choices with our tips and advices sorted in variety of categories.
How can I use the services of the site Tipster24.com?
created:2014-03-01 20:05 (administrator)
It is simple - just visit our site and categories and you will have a great deal of informations offered in Tipster24.com. Most of the information is freely available in the site even without registration! Our site offers aditional paid information, tips and advices. For more of our services follow this link, please: https://www.tipster24.com/help/account .
What type of accounts do the site provide? What is the difference between the different accounts?
created:2014-03-08 21:15 (administrator)
There are two types of accounts in the site - a free account and a premium account. With the free account you have access only to 20 tips and only for the current day. Each tip is table with top 10 standings of teams rated by a property, for example - "TOP 10 teams in a serious of wins". For the free account only 3 of the 10 teams are visible in the table of standings. The premium account gives the user access to 38 tips (tables with standings of teams) for the current day and the next 3 days. The premium account have full access tables with TOP 3, TOP 5 and TOP 10 rating standings for all competitions with ability to switch between them.
How can I get premium account?
created:2014-04-01 10:24 (administrator)
You must be a registered user. Then you must log in and to choose menu account and in section "Upgrade your account status" to click in the pay button of the desired period. After successful payment automatically the account is promoted to premium for the paid period. Please be sure your status is "premium" after payment in https://www.tipster24.com/user/account .
How can I pay?
created:2014-04-05 22:35 (administrator)
At present only paypal is available, which is the most secure way of transferring money in the web. No problem if you do not have an account there, it is still available to pay with a credit card without paypal account!
What is the difference between "Pay Now" and "Subscribe" buttons
created:2014-04-12 02:18 (administrator)
Clicking "Pay Now" you will make a single transactions for the selected period of time and after the paid period the access to the premium content will be denied. That's why we offer a subscription for our service. By clicking "Subscribe" then you ensure that your premium account will function till you explicitly cancel the subscription either from our site or your paypal account. For every subscription period paypal will charge you automatically. The subscription can be canceled anytime.
Can I cancel a premium subscription service?
created:2014-05-02 21:07 (administrator)
Yes, of course. Any time you feel free to cancel the service in menu account and "Cancel subscription". There is another option in your account in paypal you can cancel the subscription without even notifying us, paypal will do it for you.
Why sometimes do the standings change even for the current day?
created:2014-05-05 14:48 (administrator)
Daily many matches are played around the world, so new teams can enter the standings or other teams can change their position in the standings for the tip.
I have a technical problem with the site what can I do?
created:2014-05-07 19:08 (administrator)
Contact us in support@tipster24.com with a detailed description of your problem.